Melinda Rackham
Melinda Rackham graduted from the University of New South Wales with a PhD in Virtual media in 2004 and is currently the Executive Director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology. An artist, writer and curator, Rackham's art and web sites have been showcased world-wide can many can be currently viewed on her website, http://www.subtle.net/. She initiated and continues to moderate the media arts forum-empyre-. According to the -empyre website, the forum "facilitates critical perspectives on contemporary cross-disciplinary issues, practices and events in networked media by inviting guests -key new media artists, curators, theorists, producers and others to participate in thematic discussions."
She has taught throughout the world including residency's at Polar Circuit, Finland and Banff Center, Canada and her online works have won numerous awards, including the SoundSpace Award for Virtual Worlds at the 2001 Stuttgarter Filmwinter, the Faulding Award for Multimedia at the 2000 Adelaide Festival, and Gram 1999 Internet Art Prize in Argentina.