Stuart Moulthrop
Moulthrop was born in 1957, the statistical peak of the baby boom, in Baltimore, Maryland. After many years of travel, Moulthrop returned to Baltimore he teaches design for electronic environments in the Institute for Language, Technology, and Communications Design at the University of Baltimore. He is a superb hypertext artist, having written several important pieces including Victory Garden (1991), Dreamtime (1992), Hegirascope (1995), The Color of Television (1996), Reagan Library (1999), Pax (2003), and Radio Salience (2007). He is also among the first-rank of hypertext critics with essays about hypertext and contemporary culture published in journals such as Postmodern Culture,Mosaic, and Writing on the Edge. With Michael Joyce, Nancy Kaplan, and John McDaid, he is co-founder of the TINAC electronic arts collective. He is also a partner in the Baltimore Interactive Group, an Internet design firm.