babel (aka Chris Joseph) is a British/Canadian artist who creates electronic literature and multimedia art that may include text, images and video, sounds, music and reader/view participation. He has collaborated with Kate Pullinger on Inanimate Alice, a series of multimedia stories that won the Premio per l’arte digitale 2005 prize; he has also collaborated with Pullinger and Stefan Schemat on The Breathing Wall, a digital novel that the reader navigates according to his breathing rate; and he has authored Animalamina, a collection of interactive multimedia children’s poetry. He is the co-editor, along with escha, of the dada-influenced magazine 391.org and the 404, as well as a member of PART (Production and Research in Transliteracy) research group at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. He is currently Digital Writer in Residence at the Institute of Creative Technologies, a transdisciplinary research laboratory at De Montfort University.