María Mencía
María Mencía PhD, digital artist and senior lecturer in Digital Media at Kingston University, London, UK, holds a practice-based doctorate in Digital Poetics and Digital Art, a MA in History and Theory of Art from Chelsea College of Art, a BA in Fine Art from Camberwell College of Art, The University of the Arts-London, and an English Philology Degree from the Complutense University, Madrid, Spain. Mebcia’s scholarly activity continues the exploration of visual, aural and textual interaction in New Media she began in her dissertation, From Visual Poetry to Digital Art: Image-Sound-Text, Convergent Media and the Development of New Media Languages. She is also interested in public textualities in urban spaces and the use of the web as a creative space to engage the users in public urban displays. Mencia continues her cosmopolitan research and creative work by supervising a diseertation at the Glasgow School of Art and holding a residency at SUNY Buffalo Electronic-Poetry Center. She has exhibited her work internationally and recently produced an important piece entitled Cityscapes.