Bill Marsh
Bill Marsh is co-director of Factory School, a Web-based multiple media art and education forum. Marsh also edits the Heretical Texts poetry series. He has published flash work in Beehive, Cauldron & Net, and Riding the Meridian, as well as text poetry, reviews, and essays in several print and online journals. His web work can be viewed and heard at b_theater. In addition to his poetry and electronic compositions, Marsh has written several critical pieces including “New Criticism Necessary?” “Points for Hypermedia Critics,” (both available at http://jodi.tamu.edu/Articles/v03/i03/Marsh/index.html) and “Alchemy for Assassins,” from Palm Press. Marsh’s most recent and radical publication regarding education is Plagiarism: Alchemy and Remedy in Higher Education (Suny, 2007). He currently he teaches writing at St. John's University.
He has translated (acknowledging Paul Auster’s previous translation) Mallarme’s “A Tomb for Anatole.” He considers the following contemporary poets important to him: bpNichol, Lyn Hejinian, Ron Silliman, Lisa Robertson, Becky Byrkit, Robert Creeley and John Ashbery. Among the poets of yesteryear important to him are Blake, Whitman, Stein, Apollinaire, Williams, Stevens, H.D., Oppen, O'Hara, Olson, Creeley and Ashbery.