Brian Lennon
Brian was born in New York City in 1971 and remained in the city to earn his Ph.D. in English and Comparative Literature from Columbia University in 2005. Previously, he had earned an MFA from the Univerasity of Iowa (1999), and he took his BA in Philosophy from Wesleyan University in 1993. One of his best known print works is City: An Essay (University of Georgia, 2002), which won the Associated Writing Programs Award. In addition to “Log'' (with Jim Andrews), Brian has composed electronic pieces such as “RE_WORKINPR : Recombinant/ Code Poetry'' (with Mez Breeze, Tom Bell, Kevin Magee, Talan Memmott, Diane Ludin, Jim Andrews, and others). BeeHive, 2000, and “Chromebox.” He currently teaches in the Pennsylvania State University English Department.