Kerry Lawrynovicz
Ms. Lawrynovicz currently works in the English Department, Univeristy of Louisianna, Lafayette. She produces her creative work through Ghosthorse Studios.
Lawrynovicz was born in Bethleham, Pennsylvania, but has spent the majority of her life split between Chicago anhd the gulf coast of Texas. Colorado State University, and is in her third year of the poetry MFA program there. This site serves as her master’s thesis, but it is a project that will remain in process, continuing to live on the web, growing, and becoming more complex as additional works are upload, and existing poems are changed, either through actual revision or through association with new works that inform them and involve them in a wider context. Although it also exists in print an CD-ROM forms, filed in CSU’s library, this work’s true form is its online version, available to anyone with access to a computer, the version that, like the poems themselves, is ever unstable, shifting, alive.