Edward Falco
Falco is Director of Creative Writing and the MFA Program at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. In 1996 he established The New River, a journal of digital writing and art; after a period of inactivity, the journal was re-designed with a new launch in 2007, with graduate students from Virginia Tech’s MFA Creative Writing Program as managing editors. He has numerous print publications to his credit, including his novel Wolf Point (2005) and the collection, Sabbath Night in the Church of the Piranha: New and Selected Stories. His collection of short fictions, In the Park of Culture, came out in 2005. His stories have been published in a number of leading journals, including The Atlantic Monthly, Playboy, and TriQuarterly; they have been collected in the Best American Short Stories, the Pushcart Prize, and other prestigious venues. He also writes plays, including Home Delivery, which won the Hampden-Sydney Playwriting Award, and Radon. He reports that he began writing on computers “from the earliest days.” His work in networked and programmable media includes the hypertext novel, A Dream with Demons (Eastgate Systems, 1997), the hypertext poetry collection, Sea Island (Eastgate Systems, 1995O), and his online work, Self-Portrait as Child w/Father (Iowa Review Web), Circa 1967-68 (Eastgate Reading Room), and “Charmin’ Cleary” (Eastgate Reading Room). His work has also appeared in Blackbird: An Online Journal of Literature and the Arts.