John Cayley
Born in Ottawa, Canada, Cayley is the founding editor of Wellsweep, a small press specializing in literary translation from Chinese. Wellsweep has published pioneering selections from individual Chinese poets and the first English translation of a Chinese martial arts and fantasy novel. In addition to his work in publishing, Cayley is a poet, translator, and sinologist, living for several years in London where he was a stakeholder in a bookstore specializing in Chinese manuscripts. In 2003 Cayley lectured in the writing program at the University of California, Davis, where he was a Research Associate of the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA). He was also an Honorary Research Associate in the Department of English, Royal Holloway College, University of London, and an Honorary Fellow of Dartington Collect of Arts, working in close association with their degree-level course on Performance Writing. Currently on the faculty of Brown University, he teaches, writes, and conducts research in the Literary Arts Program. His last book of print poems, adaptations and translations is Ink Bamboo (London: Agenda & Belew, 1996). He is best known internationally for his creative works in networked and programmable media, as well as for his critical essays. In 2001 his online work won the Electronic Literature Organization’s Award for Poetry.